Dan O'Neill
Supercoach® Instructor
Director, Entrepreneurial Services
Arizona State University Technopolis
Tempe, AZ
![Dan O'Neill Photograph](../Images/EVI Coaches/oneill_photograph.png)
He was co-founder and President of Hologix, a venture backed enterprise software firm, which imported $100 million of revenue and capital into Arizona.
In his role as CEO of DJT Enterprises, Mr. O'Neill delivers strategy and business development services to a variety of technology and life science companies.
A life-long Arizona resident, Mr. O'Neill has contributed to a wide range of community development efforts including the Governor's Innovation and Technology Council (Tech Development and Transfer Committee), the Battelle Advanced Communications and Information Technology Committee, ASU's W.P. Carey Department of Information Systems Professional Advisory Board and ASU’s W.P. Carey CABIT Advisory Board.